
Letra de You're A Lady - Peter Skellern - Lifetime Of Romance: Passion

Letra de canci�n de You're A Lady - Peter Skellern de Lifetime Of Romance: Passion lyrics

Now the evening has come to a close
And I've had my last dance with you
On to the empty streets we go
And it might be my last chance with you
So I might as well get it over
The things I have to say won't wait until another day

You're a lady, I'm a man, you're supposed to understand
How these things are often planned to be
You're romantic, I'm a fool,
You're the teacher, I've come to school
Here I sit and hope that you'll love me

You're pure magic, unlock my chain
Nothing ventured nothing gained
And so I say with no restraint, be mine, be mine

Hard to answer I agree
But then I've got to know
I'm not asking you to marry me
Just a little love to show
Oh I know I could make you happy
So the things I have to say
Won't wait until another day

You're a lady I'm a man
You are suposed to understand
How these things are
Often planned to be

You're romantic, I'm a fool
You're the teacher, I've come to school
Here I sit and hope that you'll love me
You're pure magic, unlock my chain
Nothing ventured nothing gained
And so I say with no restraint, be mine, be mine

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La letra de canci�n de You're A Lady - Peter Skellern de Lifetime Of Romance: Passion es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Lifetime Of Romance: Passion You're A Lady - Peter Skellern lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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