
Letra de What's Left For Us? - Aliases

Letra de canci�n de What's Left For Us? de Aliases lyrics

Don't pretend to tell us the truth, don't you know
Most of us are smart enough to find it out

They will never tell you

Write it down to all, write it down to all
We can see through

Write it down to all, write it down to all
They won't break you

They led us all astray
They will never tell you

Write it down to all, write it down to all
We can see through

What's left for us to see, what's left behind
I would show you another side
What's left for us to hear, what's left behind
I will show you another

You forget that they want you to follow blind
With no direction underneath their watchful eye

They will never tell you

Show your own colour, show your own colour
They control you

Write it down to all, write it down to all
We can see through

There must be a reason why you hide
Why hide behind the truth
When truth is hard to admit sometimes
Try to read between the lines

They will tell you nothing, only tell you what you want to hear

There's no more satisfaction for us to see
There's no more satisfaction for us to be

Be another follower

There's no need to be a fucking zombie

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de What's Left For Us? de Aliases es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Aliases What's Left For Us? lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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