
Letra de This Is the One Thing We Did Not Want to Have Happen - The Brian Jonestown Massacre

Letra de canci�n de This Is the One Thing We Did Not Want to Have Happen de The Brian Jonestown Massacre lyrics

This is a bringing a thing that we load
The doctor (?) loading above
Look to the war that sudden in the space
And older band that works (?) influence
All that I've seen and all that I've known
And all of the pretenses I've had and I've blown
And all of the good times and sometimes the bad
Are all of the reasons that are making you mad

We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met

All that I've seen and all that I've known
And all of the pretenses I've had and I've blown
And all of the good times and sometimes the bad
Are all of the reasons that are making you mad

We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met

(We were strangers before we met)
We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met
We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met
We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met
We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met
We were strangers before we met, we were strangers before we met

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La letra de canci�n de This Is the One Thing We Did Not Want to Have Happen de The Brian Jonestown Massacre es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
The Brian Jonestown Massacre This Is the One Thing We Did Not Want to Have Happen lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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