
Letra de Take The Reins - Martha Wainwright

Letra de canci�n de Take The Reins de Martha Wainwright lyrics

How lost till a person can't be found
Didn't know the cost would put me underground
I see who brings this, I see who brings this

Some messed up, the life of the insane
Cough up blood and bitter with pain
But I see who brings this, it's me who brings this

Oh, but if you take the reins
I will never look back
Oh, if you'll take the reins
I will never look back

I give up But my body won't know how
Curse my life but I'm trembling at that now
I see who brings me down, down, down, down

If you take the reins
I will never look back
Oh, if you take the reins
I will never look back
I depend on you
For all that I lack

How lost till a person can't b? found
Learning how to swim when your halfway to drowned
I see how low I go on my own

And if you tak? the reins
I will never look back
Oh, if you take the reins
I will never look back

If you'll take the reins
I will never look back
If you will take the reins
I will never look back

Oh, believe me, on my own
It is a one way track

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La letra de canci�n de Take The Reins de Martha Wainwright es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Martha Wainwright Take The Reins lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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