
Letra de Relapse - The Contortionist

Letra de canci�n de Relapse de The Contortionist lyrics

Are all I hear when you speak
The point of it all left much faster than it crept to me

If the relapse happens today
Then let tomorrow be recovery
All that you've been sold
Fool's gold

Predictable in nature, so it seems
They're clairvoyant
They created your dependency
They're clairvoyant

If the relapse happens today
Then let tomorrow be recovery
All that you've been sold
Fool's gold
Oh, oh
It's as if they already know
Oh, oh-oh
It's as if they already know

They're clairvoyant
They're clairvoyant
Stuck in the lines of the prescribed
This can't be what you need
Recommended daily for dependency
Rest [?] recovery

If the relapse happens today
Then let tomorrow be recovery
All that you've been sold
Fool's gold
Oh, oh
It's as if they already know
Oh, oh-oh
It's as if they already know

They're clairvoyant
They're clairvoyant
Stuck in the lines of the prescribed
This can't be what you need
Recommended daily for dependency
Rest recovery

If the relapse happens today
Then let tomorrow be recovery
All that you've been sold
Fool's gold
Oh, oh
It's as if they already know
Oh, oh-oh
It's as if they already know

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Relapse de The Contortionist es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
The Contortionist Relapse lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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