
Letra de Miss The Girl - The Creatures

Letra de canci�n de Miss The Girl de The Creatures lyrics

Kiss the girl
Kiss the girl
Hand around the steering wheel
Caress the shiny vinyl feel
Don't you miss the girl?
Miss the girl
Seduced reflection in the chrome
There's petrol stains outside your home
Kiss the girl
Kiss the girl
Your loving strokes are fatal charms
Revenge bites back into her arms
You didn't miss the girl
You hit the girl
You hit her with a force of steel
She's wrapped around your burning wheels
Kiss the girl
Miss the girl
Kiss the girl
Miss the girl

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Miss The Girl de The Creatures es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
The Creatures Miss The Girl lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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