
Letra de London Gospel - Wisdom In Chains

Letra de canci�n de London Gospel de Wisdom In Chains lyrics

Jesus don't walk through the alleys.
He must have forget how to find me.
He used to hang around my family.
but he never really understand me.
God don't come around no more.
I don't see a trace of him in this world.
Poor men fighting in a rich man's war.
cause god don't come around here no more.
too many murder on tv. too many babies in poverty.
religion ain't shit but money.
Priest in your pocket like a fuckin thief.
God don't come around no more.
I don't see a trace of him in this world. Poor men fighting in a rich man's war.
cause god don't come around here no more.
The Devil comes walking softly.
He always stands right behind me.
I try to run away but he finds me.
I wish that god would talk to me.
God don't come around no more.
I don't see a trace of him in this world.
Poor men fighting in a rich man's war.
cause god don't come around here no more.

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La letra de canci�n de London Gospel de Wisdom In Chains es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Wisdom In Chains London Gospel lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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