
Letra de Lion And The Lamb - The Get Up Kids - Rock Against Bush Volume 1

Letra de canci�n de Lion And The Lamb - The Get Up Kids de Rock Against Bush Volume 1 lyrics

I've never been
One for war
Sand were sinkin in
as thick as oil

Lion and the lamb
there all gone
there all gone
slaughter the lion and the lamb
for our home
for our home

ive never been
one for war
sand were sinkin in
as thick as oil

lion and the lamb
there all gone
there all gone
slaughter the lion and the lamb
for our home
for our home

what have
what have
what have

what have
what have
what have


lion and the lamb
there all gone
there all gone
slaughter the lion and the lamb
for our home
for our home
the lion and the lamb
there all gone
there all gone
slaughter the lion and the lamb
for our home
for our home

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La letra de canci�n de Lion And The Lamb - The Get Up Kids de Rock Against Bush Volume 1 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Rock Against Bush Volume 1 Lion And The Lamb - The Get Up Kids lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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