
Letra de If Lovin' You Is Wrong (Demo) - Vengeance

Letra de canci�n de If Lovin' You Is Wrong (Demo) de Vengeance lyrics

Takes a little while
Still I see your smile, I close my eyes
And think of you again
It's true again, forever gone
It's so hard to tell the truth from a dream
It's not what it seems

Now all that's left is just a memory
As I roam the lonely highways of the night

If lovin' you is wrong babe
If lovin' you is wrong
If lovin' you is wrong babe, I'm wrong
And I never felt this way before

Walking down the lane
Fighting all the pain I feel inside
I'm on my own again
Alone again, forever gone
All the dreams you've left behind, they seem so real
I don't know what to feel

Now all that's left is just a memory
As I roam the lonely highways of the night

If lovin' you is wrong babe
If lovin' you is wrong
If lovin' you is wrong babe, I'm wrong
And I never felt this way before

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de If Lovin' You Is Wrong (Demo) de Vengeance es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Vengeance If Lovin' You Is Wrong (Demo) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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