
Letra de Basket Of Snakes - The Frisk - Rock Against Bush Volume 1

Letra de canci�n de Basket Of Snakes - The Frisk de Rock Against Bush Volume 1 lyrics

You open your heart
Like pandora's locker
Burnt books - and notes
From this weeks stalker

Sunday morning
Dressed in camouflage
Imperfect crime
Exposing your flaws

You stare at the sun
In dark sunglasses
The long haul pass
Passes in between classes

You aim for the stars
Mouth loaded with gum
But the shot that smarts
Turned out to be dumb

You get what you deserve
In this can of worms
But you never can escape
From a basket of snakes

I saw you at lunch
Singing verses subversive
You're less a threat
Than curse words in cursive

From basket to worse is
A cold hearted task
It's 9 o'clock
And you have no class

I'm on to your lying
And cheating techniques
You forged my name
On an old pair of sneaks

And when jack the terror
Ripped your dress
You hid it from me
But did you hide it from them?

Ring! goes the bell
Skreeee! goes the chalk
Snap! goes the ruler
Click! goes the lock

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La letra de canci�n de Basket Of Snakes - The Frisk de Rock Against Bush Volume 1 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Rock Against Bush Volume 1 Basket Of Snakes - The Frisk lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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