
Letra de Monkey (Wagon Cookin' Remix) - Fuel Fandango

Letra de canci�n de Monkey (Wagon Cookin' Remix) de Fuel Fandango lyrics

At this time you're on my mind
But I've decided you have to try
You look at me and I don't mind
'Cause I've decided you have to fight

I'm watching you walking down the street
I know your game, I'm gonna play
There's no reason to be afraid
This is the time to play the game

Monkey see, monkey do

I've decided you have to try
I know it's always the same fight
You look at me and I don't mind
Now it's your turn to treat me right

You have to try, yes I have to try
You have to fight, yes I have to fight

Monkey see, monkey do

You have to make it

In every night I think you're blind
The devil's coming, the crowd is running
The crowd is running

You have to make it

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La letra de canci�n de Monkey (Wagon Cookin' Remix) de Fuel Fandango es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Fuel Fandango Monkey (Wagon Cookin' Remix) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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