
Letra de J�nsi - Heaven (Iceland) - Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004

Letra de canci�n de J�nsi - Heaven (Iceland) de Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004 lyrics

I still miss you
And it makes me feel blue
And I'm lost
Without those colours of you
I can't think straight
I just wanna be
Wherever you are
When you're not here with me

Blend with my blue
Those colours of you
Please help me
See it through, oh
This journey I must
Take alone
So just blend your colours
With my blue

I lay down and cry
And the rivers are dry
Oh, to unveil my heart
When you kiss me goodbye
And when you set sail
Fair winds... All the way
So, farewell
That's all I can say

Blend with my blue
Those colours of you
Please help me
See it through, oh
This journey I must
Take alone
So just blend your colours
With my blue

I know I'll find my love tonight
I can feel you reaching out
I got this feeling deep inside
It's in my head
It's in my heart

I know
Your love tonight
And I know
You'll be by my side
I know
You'll help me to see it through
Blend your colours
With my blue

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La letra de canci�n de J�nsi - Heaven (Iceland) de Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004 J�nsi - Heaven (Iceland) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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