
Letra de I Go Crazy (B-Side Of Radio Ga-Ga) - Queen

Letra de canci�n de I Go Crazy (B-Side Of Radio Ga-Ga) de Queen lyrics

I took my baby to see a heavy band
But I never saw my baby �till the encore
She had the singer by the hand
I didn�t wanna cry �cause I had to be cool
I didn�t wanna tell you that you�re too cruel
Did you have to run off with that dog-gone fool?
All I gotta do is think about you
Ev�ry night and day I go crazy
All I gotta do is get my hands on you
You better stay away from me baby
I wouldn�t mind the postman if the neighbours didn�t know
Or the gas man the electric man - man to fix the car
I�d have to let it go
But you had to bring me down for a rock �n roll clone
Leave me like a sucker standing all alone
Did you have to run off with that rolling stone?
All I gotta do is think about you
Ev�ry night and day I go crazy
All I gotta do is get my hands on you
You better stay away from me baby
So I ain�t gonna go and see the rolling stones no more
No more
I don�t wanna go see queen no more no more
Now I don�t wanna hurt you like you been a-hurting me
But you know that I�ll be watching
Rolling on the floor next time you�re on tv
Had enough of your pretending that you know where it�s at
Coming on to all the boys like a real spoilt brat
To think that I nearly let you get away with all that
No way man
All I gotta do is think about you
Ev�ry night and day I go crazy
All I gotta do is get my hands on you

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de I Go Crazy (B-Side Of Radio Ga-Ga) de Queen es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Queen I Go Crazy (B-Side Of Radio Ga-Ga) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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