
Letra de History (Love Mix) - Groove Armada

Letra de canci�n de History (Love Mix) de Groove Armada lyrics


I'm sorry the way that I am,
I'm turnin' away from the past,
I'm lookin' for a better place,
I'm lonely but finding my way... around...

So wrong, it's just history repeating;
it keeps following me around.
So wrong, I'm sick of history repeating;
Because it keeps turning me around.

It's starting to push at my mind.
Forget all the things that I took with me.
I'm throwing away all my dreams...
Dreams, dreams, dreams...

So wrong, it's just history repeating;
it keeps following me around.
So wrong, it's just history repeating;
History repeating.
So long.

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de History (Love Mix) de Groove Armada es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Groove Armada History (Love Mix) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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