
Letra de Cut Me Out - Dangerkids

Letra de canci�n de Cut Me Out de Dangerkids lyrics

Yeah, I walk in small steps, heavy doses
Head down so you never notice
Headphones on, a quiet song
Try to block it out; it's so hard to focus
I get lost in those tiny moments
And slowly start to breathe
Those words hurt, but I know that
I'm not broken till I bleed, so

So cut me out or cut me open for the last time
See if I'm hollow on the inside
So cut me out or cut me open for the last time

Is this all we are? (All we are)
Take turns at painful words and scars?
If there's any life left deep inside of me
I stand tall, you'll fall for anything

(I stand tall, you'll fall for anything)

I walk in small steps, not holding back
Take time before I react
They're waiting for my fall
So they can have it all and I'm fine with that
'Cause I've been down that low a lot
I know what it's like, but I never forgot
The best way to the bottom
Is the worst way to the top, so

So cut me out or cut me open for the last time
See if I'm hollow on the inside
So cut me out or cut me open for the last time

Is this all we are? (All we are)
Take turns at painful words and scars?
If there's any life left deep inside of me
I stand tall, you'll fall for anything

(When the day comes)
(I stand tall, you'll fall for anything)
I stand tall, you'll fall for anything

Just look around you
You're living a lie like it's the only way
With tired eyes come darker days
Your time, it's all I ever wanted
But time is not the same as trust
Leave everything for them but none for us

Is this all we are? (All we are)
Take turns at painful words and scars?
If there's any life left deep inside of me
I stand tall, you'll fall for anything

When the day comes
I stand tall, you'll fall for anything
(I stand tall, you'll fall for any)

So cut me out or cut me open for the last time (When the day comes)
See if I'm hollow on the inside (Fall for anything)
So cut me out or cut me open for the last time (When the day comes)

I stand tall, you'll fall (You'll see)
You'll fall for anything

(So cut me out or cut me open for the last time)
(See if I'm hollow on the inside)
(So cut me out or cut me open for the last time)

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La letra de canci�n de Cut Me Out de Dangerkids es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Dangerkids Cut Me Out lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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