
Letra de Bummerland - Ajr

Letra de canci�n de Bummerland de Ajr lyrics

Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans
Bummerland, give a cheer
'Cause you're only going up from here

This month, I got seven haircuts
And now my hair is all gone

It's sad but I've been alone for too long
So I keep getting haircuts

It's my all time low
And I just can't wait
'Cause the quicker I'm there
Is the quicker I'll say

Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans
Bummerland, give a cheer
'Cause you're only going up from here
Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans
Bummerland, sorry dear
But you're only going up from here

My friends always pay for my drinks
I can't afford no nice things

But I hope my bank account gets so low
Even zero
So next year
When I buy that first beer
I'll be a goddamn hero

It's my all time low
And I just can't wait
'Cause the quicker I'm there
Is the quicker I'll say

Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans
Bummerland, sorry dear
But you're only going up from here

Daa da-da da
Daa da-da da
Daa da-da da ('cause you're only going up from here)
Daa da-da da

It's my all time low
And I just can't wait
'Cause the quicker I'm there
Is the quicker I'll say

Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans
Bummerland, give a cheer
'Cause you're only going up from here
Bummerland, here I am
And there ain't no funner land
Bummerland, it's kinda weird
But you're only going up from here

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Bummerland de Ajr es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Ajr Bummerland lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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